DAY 2 – Saturday 4/29/17 – Illinois to Oklahoma
Day 2, Forrest quickly learned that I am not a very good navigator. I’m not Johnny-On-The-Spot tuning in radio stations, either. Nor am I very quick at getting photos of cool things while driving by.
Despite a couple of wrong turns, we made it to the Gateway Arch in St. Louis in time for our 9:30 am Journey To the Top 9:30 reservation. The movie about the construction of the arch was very interesting and well done.
After a short trip inside the Court House, we had lunch at Missouri’s Famous Imo’s Pizza.
We took a few photos of the Cardinals Stadium before heading out of St. Louis.
On the road again – we dodged armadillo carcasses, heavy storms, and flash flooding throughout Missouri, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
The tire pressure light went on shortly after we passed Springfield, Missouri. Forrest saved the day by buying a tire gauge. After realizing all 4 tires were sufficiently and equally full, he checked the spare tire. It was very low, so he filled it up, and that resolved the problem, and we were on our way.
Forrest bought a snake in a box at an antique store we pulled into when the storm was too treacherous to drive through. Shortly after we got back on the road, we saw a semi on its side in the ditch.
We had a delicious dinner & great service at Cheddars in Joplin, Missouri. Fellow patrons warned us about going to Oklahoma City due to the weather, but we journeyed on!
To top off the day, we spent the night in the creepy, stinky, dirty Lincoln Inn in Oklahoma City. Forrest decided to use a water bottle for brushing his teeth when he saw seaweed coming out of the faucet. He dropped his toothpaste cap on the floor and wiped it on his butt to clean it off – he felt that was cleaner or safer than anything else in the room. There was a strange camera looking thing pointing at the bed. It was a long day . . . we put the coffee maker in front of the strange camera looking thing to block any show. There were cars trolling the parking lot and sirens all night. I was afraid the bed in the room above us was going to come crashing through the ceiling. Note to self: the next time the sign says, “MAVAILABLE”, keep driving!
Oh, and one more bad thing happened on Day 2 . . . John B done killed his self. (If you’ve listened to “S-Town”, you know who I’m talking about.)